Form di ricerca


Before proceeding, please make sure you actually have to enroll as an “Incoming transfer student”, as it means you’ve previously applied for transfer or leave from your original university.

If you’ve instead withdrawn from your studies in your university, you will need to enroll as an ordinary student.

If you choose to enroll as an incoming transfer student, the Politecnico will acknowledge your entire past career, also because it has to calculate your taxes. Your enrollment date will still be the date in which you enrolled in your previous university, even if you’ve transferred to the Politecnico di Bari.


If you wish to enroll as an “incoming student”, you must:

  1. Select “Incoming transfer students” (Trasferimento in ingresso) in the esse3 portal, when you enroll;
  2. Carefully list all the data regarding your very first enrollment (Dati di prima immatricolazione nel Sistema Universitario), which will be used to identify your original university and your past career;
  3. Notify administration via the ticketing system ( once you’ve inserted all the data. When opening a support ticket, select “Imm. e Iscr. MAGISTRALI” as category, writing Notifica domanda di trasferimento in ingresso” as subject and your first and last name, phone number, original university and the course you chose to enroll in at Poliba as text.


NOTICE: In order to acknowledge and validate your past exams, please make this request through DEPASAS after you’ve enrolled and select the “Request credit acknowledgment for external exams” module. The outcome of this procedure will be handled by the appropriate structure that belongs to the Department offering the Master’s Degree course you chose.